Adjust the distance between two x-axis values to be closer to each other



I have this chart and as you can see it I need to somehow make the distance between the two x-axis value to be closer in order to show the hidden point’s label. I only have two values for x-axis and I don’t need a huge chart for that. Is there any option that does what I am looking for?

        var data = [trace1];

        var layout = {
          width: 230,
          height: 210,
          margin: {
            l: 10,
            r: 10,
            b: 60,
            t: 0,
            pad: 0
          xaxis: {
            showgrid: false,
            zeroline: false,
            showline: true,
          yaxis: {
            title: {
              text: 'Seconds',
              font: {
                size: 9
            showgrid: false,
            zeroline: false,
            showline: true,

          font: {
            size: 10,
          paper_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          plot_bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'

Thank you