Chart with subplots

I like that concept. But I was wondering whether it’s going to be possible to have chart with multiple vertical subplots and able to zoom all of them in the same time? This feature is critical for our implementation.


See for more info.

Not sure that example is what I am asking. I am thinking to have a chart with multiple vertical subplots so I can have different axis’s. But when I zoom into this chart all plots are zooming at the same time.

Ok. Can you share a screenshot of what you’re trying to accomplish?

Maybe something like this?

Where two pretty much independent charts would act as one when it comes to zooming.

Ok great. Well that’s exactly what is proposing. I’d recommend subscribe to this issue for the most up-to-date development info.

Not as I see it. This example shows a stacked chart with multiple signals. Not a trick. Or I am missing something.
I am envisioning two vertically aligned charts with different axis’s and everything, but acting as one when a mouse is zooming into the one of these.

So, only first chart takes zooming rectangle. Is it possible to draw it over all charts?
