Convert in to plotly.graph_objects

Hi Guys,

I trying to replicate a cahr created in plotly.experss to plotly.graph_objects but a failing in every times.
I have this dataframe base.

Machine	Time	Units Pruduced
0	K2K01	2	579
1	K2K01	3	350
2	K2K01	4	848
3	K2K01	5	840
4	K2K01	15	768
5	K2K01	17	1752
6	K2K02	1	712
7	K2K02	2	804
8	K2K02	3	327...

And i build char in

fig = px.scatter(fdr4, x="Time", y="Units Pruduced", color="Machine", template="plotly_white")

This is the result.

Also i tryed build in plotly.graph_objects.
PS: This is the more closer i get from expected result.

figure = {
            'data' : [
                x = fdr4.index,
                y = fdr4.UnitsProd,
                mode = "markers+lines",
                name = rowname
                )for rowname in fdr4.Machine

And this is the result.

So, could please someone advise me or give some reference what is incorrect in my logic with plotly.graph_objects that graph to generate the same chart as plotly.experss with the same datas?

Thank you.

With the color parameter, Plotly Express will group your data such that each β€œMachine” in your data has a separate β€œtrace”, along with its own corresponding color in the default colorway.

Plotly Express simply does this grouping internally to generate a figure with the same syntax as plotly.graph_objects. In order to see the figure it generates, you can print(fig), or

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

and inspect the fig in the Pdb REPL. Then you can copy-and-paste the generated 'data' list and 'figure' dict into your figure dict that is supplied as an argument for plotly.graph_objects. The result should then be the same.

Also, FYI, a more appropriate category for this question is in the API > Python category. In the future, you may get more attention on Plotly Express/Graph Objects-related Python questions if you use that category instead of β€œDash”. I changed the category myself just now.