Dash app deployment

You might want to check out https://community.plotly.com/t/solved-deploy-dash-on-iis-error/5434

That will be a ton of work and because it’s so much work, is one of the main motivations for writing Dash in the first place.

In the future, I’d like to have a pure JavaScript implementation of Dash. I have a small work in progress here: POC - Client-Side Dash Apps by chriddyp · Pull Request #7 · plotly/dash-renderer · GitHub but it’d be quite a bit of work to make this possible. If your organization or company would like to sponsor this development and make this happen, please reach out: Get Pricing.

Otherwise, you could attempt to write a ASP.NET backend for dash’s front-end by creating a ASP.NET server that responds to Dash’s front-end API. This would be a ton of work as well. Dash’s front end is here: GitHub - plotly/dash-renderer: OBSOLETE has been merged into dash.

Finally, you can license the Dash Deployment Server so that IT or devops doesn’t have to be involved in deploying these apps. This is what we’ve built for our Fortune 5000 companies with complex IT departments. More information on this here: Get Pricing.