Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit


I’m getting two errors when I run the following code:

   ARIMAgraph.expos <- 
      plot_ly(data = expos_dat) %>%
             plot_bgcolor = 'white',
             yaxis = list(title = curr_sel_ts_names()[[6]]),
             hovermode = "compare") %>% 
      add_bars(x = ~Date, y = ~Exposure, 
                name = "Exposure",
                data = expos_dat,
                text = ~paste("(", Date, ", ", Exposure_fmt, ")", sep = ""),
                hoverinfo = "text+name",
                marker = list(color = "darkgrey"),
                showlegend = F)
    sub.plot <- plotly::subplot(ARIMAgraph.cred, 
                                nrows = 2, 
                                heights = c(.8, .2),
                                shareX = TRUE,
                                titleY = TRUE,
                                which_layout = 1)
    sub.plot$elementId <- NULL

The errors are:

Warning: Error in plotlyjsBundleIDX: Couldn’t find the plotlyjs bundle
Error: C stack usage 825353617700 is too close to the limit

Any ideas as to why I’m getting these errors, and how to solve them?