How I change month year and day in xaxis ticklabels

Hi, I would like o change the dates in x axis to the date format from brazil, translate the names of the months to portuguese, itโ€™s possible?

@vitorsc23 To display a custom date time use in xaxis definition tickvals and ticktext:

layout = go.Layout(
    title = 'Time Series with Custom Date-Time Format',
    xaxis_tickvals=['2015-04-01', '2015-07-01', '2015-10-01', '2016-01-01', 
                                  '2016-04-01', '2016-07-01','2016-10-01', '2017-01-01'],
    xaxis_ticktext= ['1 Abril<br>2015', '1 Julho<br>2015', '1 Outubro<br>2015', '1 Janeiro<br>2016'
                            '1 Abril<br>2016', '1 Julho<br>2016', '1 Outubro<br>2016',
                            '1 Janeiro<br>2017']

xaxis_tickvals is the list of dates for your timeseries, while xaxis_ticktext is alist of strings that express the corresponding date from tickvals in a custom form.

I retrieved the months name via google tranlate. If the brasil form for date is not dd-mm-yyyy
you can change correspondingly the strings in ticktext.

Plase change the title of your question. You didnโ€™t ask how to change date form in legend, but the form of xaxis ticklabels.