How to create a nested Tree Map with plotly

Dear Community,
I have found a lot of great solutions in this forum and I’m very thankful for all your contributions. I invested quite some time into the plotly tree map solution using a scatter plot with shapes. I would kindly ask you for some help in generating a nested tree map from a dataframe with this structure (random data):

   SeriesName    SeriesClass  SeriesSize  SeriesChange
0    SeriesName_1  SeriesClass_3         477             1
1    SeriesName_2  SeriesClass_5         377            -9
2    SeriesName_3  SeriesClass_5         117            32
3    SeriesName_4  SeriesClass_2         167            24
. . .

Aim would be to create a treemap of “SeriesClass” with nested “SeriesName”. Below the code snippet to generate the treemap with “SeriesClass” . Thank you very much for your help.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def query_data():
    # create dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(20))   
    SeriesName, df['SeriesName'] = [], ''
    for x in range(len(df)):
        SeriesName.append('SeriesName' + '_' + str(x+1))
    df['SeriesName'] = SeriesName  
    SeriesClass, df['SeriesClass'] = [], ''
    RandomClass = np.random.randint(1,6,20)
    for x in range(len(df)):
        SeriesClass.append('SeriesClass' + '_' + str(RandomClass[x]))
    df['SeriesClass'] = SeriesClass  

    df['SeriesSize'] = np.random.randint(10,1000,20)
    df['SeriesChange'] = np.random.randint(-50,50,20)
    return df.to_json(date_format='iso', orient='split')

def dataframe():
    return pd.read_json(query_data(), orient='split')

import plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import squarify 

import as cm
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

def colormap_to_colorscale(cmap):
    return [ [k*0.1, colors.rgb2hex(cmap(k*0.1))] for k in range(11)]

def colorscale_from_list(alist, name): 
    cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, alist)
    return cmap, colorscale

fin_cmap, fin_cs = colorscale_from_list(RedWhiteBlue, 'fin_cmap') 

class MidpointNormalize(colors.Normalize):
    def __init__(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, midpoint=None, clip=False):
        self.midpoint = midpoint
        colors.Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip)
    def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
        x, y = [self.vmin, self.midpoint, self.vmax], [0, 0.5, 1]
        return, x, y))
def update_graph_treemap():
    dff = dataframe()
    dff = dff.groupby(['SeriesClass'], as_index=False)['SeriesSize','SeriesChange'].sum()
    # sort values according to squarify specifications
    dff = dff.sort_values(['SeriesSize'], ascending=False)
    dff = dff.reset_index(drop = True)
    # code for handling the color bar in a symmetric way
    vmax = -min(dff['SeriesChange'])
    vmin = min(dff['SeriesChange'])
    if max(dff['SeriesChange']) >= 0:
        if max(dff['SeriesChange']) >= -min(dff['SeriesChange']):
            vmax = max(dff['SeriesChange'])
            vmin = -max(dff['SeriesChange'])
    norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0., vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)    
    colorscale = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=fin_cmap)
    # create fillcolors
    for x in dff['SeriesChange']:
    values = []
    values = dff['SeriesClass'] + '<br>' + \
        'SeriesSize: ' + dff['SeriesSize'].apply(str) + '<br>' + \
        'SeriesChange: ' + dff['SeriesChange'].apply(str)
    # create rectangles
    x = 0.
    y = 0.
    width = 100.
    height = 100.
    normed = squarify.normalize_sizes(dff['SeriesSize'], width, height)
    rects = squarify.squarify(normed, x, y, width, height)
    shapes = []
    annotations =[]
    counter = 0
    for r in rects:
                type = 'rect', 
                x0 = r['x'], 
                y0 = r['y'], 
                x1 = r['x']+r['dx'], 
                y1 = r['y']+r['dy'],
                line = dict(width = 0.1, color = 'grey'),
                fillcolor = fillcolors[counter],
        if counter < 14:
                    x = r['x'],
                    y = r['y'] + (r['dy']),
                    text = dff['SeriesClass'][counter],
                    showarrow = False,
                    xanchor = 'left',
                    yanchor = 'top',
        counter = counter + 1
    figure = {
        'data': [
            x = [ r['x']+(r['dx']/2) for r in rects ], 
            y = [ r['y']+(r['dy']/2) for r in rects ],
            text = values,
            hoverinfo = 'text',
            mode = 'markers',
                cmin = vmin,
                cmax = vmax,
                showscale = True,
                colorbar = dict(
                    len = 0.8,
                    yanchor = 'middle',
                    outlinecolor = 'white',
                    thickness = 15,
        'layout': go.Layout(
            autosize = True,
            xaxis={'showgrid':False, 'zeroline':False, 'showticklabels': False, 'ticks':''},
            yaxis={'showgrid':False, 'zeroline':False, 'showticklabels': False, 'ticks':''},
    return figure

py.offline.plot(update_graph_treemap(), filename='squarify-treemap')

I have the same question.I wonder if you have got the answer. Could you share it?

Unfortunately not, and I haven’t explored the issue any further since my post. I quickly arrived to a bottleneck with Plotly when having to process large amounts of data, so I switched to R Shiny. The library in R is treemapify and it can handle nested tree maps out of the box. However, it cannot handle large data sets efficiently either.