Issues in integration of plotly with Shiny dashboard

I have a shiny webapp created using the ShinyDashboard package. I am able to make graphs using this package the only issue is that when I am using the box object from ShinyDashboard and placing the plotly chart code inside it the box does not tak the full width of the page.
However if I put regular graph using the plot package in the ShinyDashboard box the box extends till the full width of the page.

My Code:
##— First fluid row contains normal plot —###
box(title = “Box Title”, width = “12”, height = “500px”, plotOutput(“abc”))


###— Second fluid row contains plotly plot
box(title = “Box Title”, width = “12”, height = “500px”, plotlyOutput(“plot”))

The second plot does not take the full width of the page. Does someone know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!!!