Logic of the heat map in plotly js

In my heatmap some values are plotting incorrect. ex see the tool tip of x value 16:20:52, 16:20:54.
Here y value is showing 475 instead of 300 and bar also plotted up to 700 range of y-axis.
As per my knowledge, the problem is highest value and second highest of y-values are getting problem.
In my data highest value of yvalue is 1100 and second highest value of y value is 300. Here plotting 300 is giving problem
How the plotly is plotting heat map logic.


or in other words, can anyone of you explain the current logic of the heatmap? or it is buggy?
I expect this forum to be very active…

Looks like something is off here, possible related to https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/issues/1117

In the meantime, I’d recommend converting your z array in a 2D array as in https://jsfiddle.net/1yLavejg/16/

Either there is a bug in Plotly.js, or the docs aren’t explaining well.

I have a heatmap using the "Greens" color scale (using 100 - value to make high values be green instead of no green).

I have only four cells in the plot. Here are my Z values:

  [100 - 99.22473078966097, 100 - 99.97762449215773]
  [100 - 99.99976697347195, 100 - 99.99756040043489]

As you can see, all four values are very similar, yet for some odd reason one cell is always opposite color:

I think I see what the issue is in my case: the data always has a min and max value (hence the visual always has a maximum green cell and a minimum green cell). The question is, how do I tell it to pick the color scale based on a predefined range of values, not a range that is based on the current data?


Ah, yep. I needed to specify zmin and zmax for things to work as expected. I had assumed, based on the examples, that heat maps were calculated from a default range of 1 to 100.