Mathjax & LaTeX in dash

RE. first post:

  1. MathJax supports inline math, but you need to use \( math \) instead of the usual TeX $ math $, apparently because $ is too common in page content. I tried loading a local mathjax config file to change the delimiters without success, but at least inline math is possible.
  2. Now that you can use inline math, for left / centre / right -aligning equations, you can just use a html.P element with style={'text-align':' ... '} for each equation you need.

Here is another MWE:

import dash
import dash_html_components as html

app = dash.Dash(__name__)
mathjax = ''
app.scripts.append_script({ 'external_url' : mathjax })

app.layout = html.Div(id='main',children=[
  html.P(children='Delicious \(\pi\) is inline with my goals.'),
  html.P(children='$$ \lim_{t \\rightarrow \infty} \pi = 0$$'),
  html.P(style={'text-align':'left'}, children='\(\\leftarrow \pi\)'),
  html.P(style={'text-align':'left'}, children='not much left.'),
  html.P(style={'text-align':'right'},children='\(\pi \\rightarrow\)'),
  html.P(style={'text-align':'right'},children='but it feels so right.'),

if __name__ == '__main__':

and the result:
