Month-year hover labels in time series


Iโ€™m using the offline version of plotly for python.
I have a dataset monthly sampled. I already have the timeseries plotted with plotly, but it also shows the day of month for every point. I can work around a display the data like it was for the 1st of each month, so it matches the (automatically printed by plotly) vertical lines that represents each month.
However, on hover itโ€™d keep displaying the day of the month and I just want to display the month and the year. Iโ€™m looking for an easy (automatic) way to do this. For plotly Cloud I have seen that it allows you to set a hover format like โ€œ%b %Yโ€, and plotly takes care of everything.

Is there an easy way like this for Python plotly (and, subsequently for Dash)? or the only way is to manually generate the corresponding hover text?