Parallel coordinates empty traces when responsive is set to true

Plotly.plot(plot, this. data[plot], layout, { responsive: true });

If responsive is set to true there are no visible traces as it can be seen in the following picture. (I noticed this behavior since 1.42.0 version)


If responsive is false behavior is as usual.

Thanks for the report. Could you share the data and layout you used to help us debug?

Here is part of the data. We have about 2200 traces, but there is no need for the rest of the data.

   data = [{type: "parcoords",
         line: {
         cauto:	true,
         cmax: 5,
         cmin: 1,
         color: [5, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
         colorscale: [[0, "#4164e1"], [0.25, "#ff6200"], [0.5, "#00f4ff"], [0.75, "#1aca59"], [1, "#ffffff"]],
         showscale: false
          dimensions: [ 
         constraintrange: undefined,
         label: "FWP",
         range: ["22.50", "27.50"],
         tickformat: ".2f",
         values: ["24.50", "23.50", "24.50", "27.50", "27.50", "25.50", "26.50", "24.50", "24.50", "26.50", "24.50", "22.50", "26.50",  "24.50", "26.50"]
         constraintrange: undefined, 
         label: "BFL",
         range: ["2.00", "4.00"],
         tickformat: ".2f",
         values: ["4.00", "4.00", "2.00", "4.00", "4.00", "4.00", "4.00", "4.00", "2.00", "4.00", "4.00", "4.00", "2.00", "4.00", "4.0"]
         }, {
         constraintrange: undefined, 
         label: "Time",
         range: ["112.00", "113.00"],
         tickformat: ".2f",
         values: ["112.24", "112.20", "112.26", "112.22", "112.28", "112.26", "112.24", "112.28", "112.14", "112.30", "112.19", "112.21", "112.25", "112.27", "112.14" ]

layout = {
    margin: {
      t	:	45,
      l	:	40,
      r	:	40,
      b	: 25,
      autoexpand:	true
    autosize: true,
    showlegend: false