The fastest way to get started building a Dash app: cookiecutter-dash

What if you could generate a deployment-ready Dash application with a single command line call? I have built a generator for a sophisticated, Bootstrap-enabled, Docker-ready Dash app for Cookiecutter – check it out if you’re interested, and let me know what you think of it!

cookiecutter-dash: the easiest way to get started building a Dash app

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Some people could be interested in having the option to run the generated Dash app on top of Django (instead of on top of Flask) which is provided by django-dash.

Good point. I have never used django-dash, but I’m happy to see if I can implement this as an option.

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This is now officially an issue in the repo. Bonus points for instigating the first issue :wink:

Very cool!

In case you don’t already know about it, you could use dash-bootstrap-components for the navbar to avoid having to use the dangerously set inner HTML stuff.

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I did NOT! Thank you!

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Are you aware of slapdash? I’m just mentioning it here to avoid probable dublication…

Adding nginx support could e.g. be done like in the repo Flask-Dash-Plotly.

There’s a wider ambition here to create a fully-deployable version with nginx as the reverse proxy, and k8s support. I have created the corresponding issue here.

I think slapdash is fantastic! However, I intend cookiecutter-dash to fulfil slightly different requirements. Among others, I am not really focused on multipage apps. In keeping with the cookiecutter philosophy, the idea is to get developing fast, based on as little opinionation (is that even a word?) as possible. For a more professional multipage app, slapdash is a great option, and I think the community can only benefit from having both options open to them – especially early-stage users who don’t want to mess around with routing etc.

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