Concentration of Banking App

Hey folks, :raised_hand:

I developed an app that allows the user to see the processes of concentration of banking over the last 30 years throuhg the observation of two factors:

  • Accumulation of consolidated assets.
  • Mergers and acquisition activities of the the biggest four commercials banks (Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup) (AKA The Big Four).

The data sources comes from:

  • Federal Reserve.
  • National Information Center.


  • On average, the Big Four banks increased their consolidated assets at a rate of $21.07 billion per quarter over the last 20 years.
  • As of the first quarter of 2023, the Big Four banks control 42.18% of all consolidated assets among all US large commerical banks.
  • Uptake activity in mergers and acquisition by the Big Four banks over the last 30 years.

Check it out! :smiley:




Thank you for building and sharing this app @Juancho. I appreciate how much research you put into this topic; and it was surprising for me to see how much control the top 4 banks have.

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